Wednesday, August 1, 2007

An Open Letter to Scott Ritter

Open Letter to Scott Ritter

Dear Scott,

I never thought I would have to take issue with you when it comes to understanding or defending the Constitution, but I do now. I have the utmost respect for your intellect, integrity, and courage, but I think on this one issue, your arguments are not well thought out or considered.

I am referring to a recent article you wrote entitled "A Call to Service." Reading your article, I was almost ready to forward it to a few folks who I thought might benefit from some of your observations. For example, you point out that a great many Americans seem to have time to become experts on certain sport statistics and yet complain of having no time to become informed on the operation of their government, and its impact on the world, the rule of law, or on justice itself. As citizens we seem to be unaware of the real threats that we all face as members of the human family most of which are due to our own ongoing ignorance and indifference. You didn't say it quite that way, but still I applaud your willingness to point these things out.

But then you go on to castigate Cindy Sheehan for correctly pointing out what I might euphemistically refer to as poor performance by Rep. John Conyers and other members of Congress. I have no particular need to point out the lack of courage on the part of any individual at this point, but I have to say that in my view Cindy Sheehan is doing more to defend the Constitution than any current member of Congress is, at least as far as I can tell.

Cindy doesn't seem to have a problem identifying and naming the many impeachable crimes and atrocities perpetrated by Bush and his administration, while I can't find even one member of Congress who yet has the courage to put his or her ass on the line to name even one. For if they did name one, they would be hard pressed to explain why they have yet to file articles of impeachment in defense of the Constitution.

As a marine you always seemed to me to have a good sense of what it means to fight for your country. I don't for a minute doubt that you would face the heat of battle without flinching even if you were uncertain that the battle you were about to enter might be your last... even if you were uncertain as to whether or not the battle could even be won. You would fight because your love of country would inspire you to put your life on the line at least to try. You would fight and you would fight hard and you would fight with honor, and you would fight with courage, and you would fight to win... and you wouldn't look back fretting about your own personal welfare or your own career. This is how I see you.

Frankly, I don't see any member of Congress doing that. But I think Cindy Sheehan is doing that. I don't understand why you can't see that.

Bush and his team are liars, cheats, murders and traitors. They have purposely demeaned the Constitution and damaged the rule of law for their own power and purposes. This Congress has stood by and allowed them to do it... allowed them to betray their country, so far with impunity. Congress' sloth and cowardice is responsible for the untimely death and/or pain of millions of innocent people. Every day more people suffer because they refuse to fight.

Articles of impeachment have already been drafted... unfortunately not by any member of the House. To me this is unconscionable. I don't agree with everything Cindy Sheehan says or does. I don't agree with everything anybody does or says. But at least I can see she is steadfastly trying to do her best to defend her country, if for no other reason than to honor her son. I don't think you can point at any one member of Congress-not one-and say the same thing.

Mark A. Goldman

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