Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What the World Needs Now

What the world needs now is love. What the world needs now is you. But what is love? Not so easy to define. Review in your mind all the possible human attributes that give you hope, add to your joy, inspire you to think, to be creative, to give thanks, to offer a helping hand, to tell the truth, to do something right, to try harder, to share what you know, to be willing to learn or to teach, to express yourself, to have compassion, make peace, be vulnerable, stay true, be thoughtful, and brave… Complete this list, then add them all up, divide by three, multiply by seven, close your eyes, pick any one or three and you will be thinking about love. Everything on your list will be something you can do or be. You love. This is you. Why do you hide or pretend it is not? You’re so funny. You’re so beautiful. Don’t you know that? I’m starting to get old now. And in many ways I’m still a child. Don’t you feel that way sometimes? How long it took to even begin to understand how little I really know… But some things I do know. I know you’re beautiful. The world needs us now. Our children do. All our children do. 'What the world needs now is love, sweet love.' That’s what I’ve been thinking of…


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